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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Damage Indicator Addon v3.1.1 [Bug Fix]

MCPE/Bedrock Damage Indicator Addon v3.1.1 [Bug Fix]

Do you want to make your minecraft experience more of a rpg game? So, what's missing? Damage Indicator! Yes! Some of us wanted to see the damage we deal to our enemies. This addon does the job for you. 



Here's the video for quick understanding :



- Shows the damage dealt enemy and also heal amount

- Monitors HP precisely

- Vanishes when invisible

- Maximum render distance of 20 blocks

- 3 options are available: Health Bar, Heart Icon and Combination of the two

- Resource pack only (Achievement-friendly)


- Download options to choose from 



Health Bar

Green: 50 - 100% HP

Yellow: 25 - 49% HP

Red: 1 - 24% HP


Heart + Health Bar

  • Can read 999 HP


- Optional Minecraft Font 

  • Minecraft Dungeons Font


- Bossbar (bonus) 


- This addon monitors the health of an entity, not the actual damage itself. So if the damage dealt exceeds the entity's remaining hp, the damage shown is the remaining hp and not the actual damage. 

- Maximum damage can be shown is 100. Any value that exceeds will only show "100".



- There are 3 options available 



  • You tell me


Please feel free to report bugs. I will highly appreciate it. Enjoy! 😊👍



  • Fixed damage indicator not showing


  • To install the font, it must be put on top of the damage indicator

creator: https://twitter.com/CoptaineMC

This topic was modified 1 day ago by McBedrock