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MCPE/Bedrock Target Box Addon V1.0

Have you ever want to have a mob that can be attacked by every mob that will attack player and this addon is suitable for you! Let I start to introduce this addon.
In this addon, I add a mob - Target Box and a block - Target Box Spawner.
-Target Box Spawner
This is a spawner for Target Box. If you want to spawn Target Box, just place the block.
Crafting Recipe:


Target Box

Health: 50 heart
Teleport: like a shulker box
This mob will be attacked by every mob that will attacked player.
Here is some screenshot

You can use Target Box to:
-Make a mob farm
-Test your weapon
-Attract the monster to let you escape form them.
That all my addon. If you find any bugs, please tell me in the command.
Change featured image.
End - End - End - End

These experiments must open!
creator: CREEBiees667