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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Vintage Blocks

MCPE/Bedrock Vintage Blocks

This is a work in progress addon, which currently adds 45 new blocks to the minecraft. With more blocks to be added in the future. All the blocks can be spawned in with commands and is perfect for all your building needs. Compatible with Minecraft version 1.17.30




🧱Vintage Blocks🧱

This is a work in progress addon, which currently adds 45 new blocks to the minecraft. With more blocks to be added in the future. All the blocks can be spawned in with commands and is perfect for all your building needs.


🎳How to get them🎳

Currently you can only spawn them in using commands, however in the future I plan on adding crafting recipes. All the commands for the blocks can be found bellow.


🎀Different block types🎀


Goes great with kitchens, bathrooms and pools


  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Pool Tile
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Checker Board Tile
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Stone Tile
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Granite Tile
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:End Stone Tile
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Kitchen Tile
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Diamond Tile
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Red Kitchen Tile
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Green Kitchen Tile
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Yellow Kitchen Tile
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Pink Kitchen Tile


Its a pillar not much else to say


  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:white piller
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:green piller
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:pink piller
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:brown piller
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:blue piller
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:yellow piller
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:red piller
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:black piller
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:purple piller
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Over Grown Piller


Each lamp illuminates the same area as glowstone


  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Glow Lamp
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Street Lamp
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Fancy Lamp
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Cavern Lamp


A simple block, it goes good with less detailed builds


  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:plastic
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Green Plastic
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Blue Plastic
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Yellow Plastic
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Red Plastic
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Pink Plastic
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Black Plastic

Wood Blocks

Perfect for Cabins, Floors and Roofs


  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Brown Wood
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:White Wood
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Purple Wood
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Blue Wood
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:blackwood
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Yellowwood
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Pinkwood
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Redwood
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Greenwood


Misc blocks

Various blocks that can be used for different purposes, such as decoration.


  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Pink Leaves
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Solar Panel


Perfect for bedrooms and other interior designs.


  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:cloud wallpaper
  • /give @s dp vintage blocks:Old Wallpaper


⌛Coming Soon⌛

  • Crafting recipes 🛠️
  • More blocks 🚧
  • More block types 🧱


❓Frequently Asked Questions❓

How do i get the blocks?

Each block can be spawned in using commands for example,: "/give @s dp-vintage-blocks:Kitchentile"

Can i use this for my maps?

Of course!, just be sure to give credit.

Will this addon be updated?

Yes, i plan on adding some more blocks in the future


💬Need help?, want to suggest a new feature? or chat? join us on discord!💬

Our Discord



ports directly to Minecraft after downloading, if you have any issues be sure to join us on discord

creator: https://www.instagram.com/dreampixelmc/