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MCPE/Bedrock Crafting PLUS Addon

Today I present you, The Crafting PLUS Addon! This addon adds more crafting recipes into your game! This addon adds over 59 recipes, and some classic vanilla recipes. (I'll show some of the recipes!)
Some of the Recipes in this Addon!
- Axolotl Egg Recipe
- Goat Egg Recipe
- Budding Amethyst Recipe
- Powder Snow Recipe
- Sculk Sensor Recipe
Egg Recipe

Powder Snow Recipe

Crying Obsidian Recipe

Bell Recipe

Glow Squid Recipe

Here are some of the crafting recipes in this addon! The rest of the crafting recipes will be given in the crafting guide!
creator: Minecrafter101
v 1.0.0
Had to change some preview images because the submission was denied.
To Install this addon watch this vid: https://youtube.com/embed//vvoc_m5Zack  this vid is from BONY162 from YT, his tutorial is very helpful to add addons into MC so go watch it!