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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Cosmos

MCPE/Bedrock Cosmos

Cosmos is an open world space addon, it allow the player to travel to other planets. The planets currently available are the moon and mars, however there may be more added in the future.



The Moon

The moon is the first planet you can travel to. It has a lower gravity then the overworld. You can find space Zombies here.


The moon is the first planet you can travel to. It has a lower gravity then the overworld, with the added challenge of Space Zombies. 

Space suit

The space suit is an essential set of armor if you plan to go to space as it is needed to breath oxygen in space!

Social Links:

Join the discord Server:  https://discord.gg/rspBK4dbS2

Follow my future projects:  https://twitter.com/FrederoxGit


This addon will not be uploaded to any other site & Frederox.ml


Read the documentation here!




Addon setting requirements

Holiday Creator Features
Creation of Custom Biomes
Additional Modding Capabilities

Add Cosmos to a new / pre-existing world which has not been setup previously.

/function start
/function finish

Update Cosmos to a pre-existing world which has been setup previously.

/function start
/function update

creator: https://twitter.com/FrederoxGit