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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Ambient Sounds Add-on V4: Caves and Cliffs!

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Ambient Sounds Add-on V4: Caves and Cliffs!

This add-on implements a variety of ambient sounds into Minecraft such as birds chirping in forests, waves crashing on beaches, wind howling in trundras, and much more! The most recent update to this add-on has added entirely new soundscapes for both Caves and Cliffs for Minecraft's next update as well as touching up many existing sounds.


Add-On Showcase


Ambient Sounds is an add-on that adds much-needed background sounds to Minecraft. Every biome plays a variety of ambient sounds to fit its respective theme such as chirping in forests, waves crashing on beaches, wind howling in trundras, and much more.

Version 4  is the latest release designed to work with the upcoming Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Update. Both Mountains and Caves have their own detailed soundscapes now. In addition to the more natural sounding cave sounds, I have added several new unsettling ones as well to fit in line with the vanilla sounds that play. The video above is a near comprehensive showcase of every biome dependent soundscape included. Take a listen!


This add-on has not been tested in realms. It may work, but I can't solve any realms related issues, unfortunately.

If you have mob-spawning turned off, enable sounds with this command:

/summon boi:function_master 


Added Respective Sounds for the Caves and Cliffs added with the Most Recent Update.

creator: The Big Onion Institute