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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Time Counter Scoreboard

MCPE/Bedrock Time Counter Scoreboard

This behavior pack allows you to set up a timer scoreboard, Support for count seconds and minutes, This Addon will make it easy for you to time your game, You can also change mcaddon to Zip to change its contents



How to use:

1. Install this Addon into the Minecraft bedrock
2. Activate this behavior pack in a save

3. Activate the creative mode and cheats
4. Click play
5. Run command /function Time/install

6. Put /function Time/S  or /function Time/M  into the command block that spawned

7.To ensure that comand block is always executed, stand around the command block and put the following

    or run /function Time/tickingarea

8.If you want to delete this function, please run /function Time/delete


Addon by PureRainCube


Added new function command:  /function Time/tickingarea,to ensure that comand block is always executed.


1. Install this Addon into the Minecraft bedrock
2. Activate this behavior pack in a save
3. Activate the creative mode and cheats
4. Click play
5. Run command /function Time/install
6. Put /function Time/S  or /function Time/M  into the command block that spawned

creator: https://twitter.com/PureRainCube