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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Cloud Boots - Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Cloud Boots - Addon

Are you tired of slowly running from one place to another? Are you fed up with long mountain climbing? Are you fed up with dying when falling from a high peak? If so then this addon is for you. Download the Cloud Boots addon today and forget about slow running, long climbing to high mountains and dying after falling off the mountain peaks.


Cloud Boots


Made by EndiKM

I have added new boots called Cloud Boots.

I have added new boots called Netherite Cloud Boots.

By putting on Cloud Boots, you get whether the effects:

-Speed 2

-Jump Boost 2

-Slow Falling

By putting on Cloud Boots, you get whether the effects:

-Speed 3

-Jump Boost 3

-Slow Falling 2


I have added a Gold Feather.

I have added the Cloud Boots item.

I have added the Netherite Cloud Boots item.


You can craft the Golden Feather and Cloud Boots:

You can find Cloud Boots in the Desert Pyramid.

You can buy Golden Feathers from a Wandering Trader.

(NEW)You can now craft Netherite Cloud Boots 

You can't craft the Netherite Cloud Boots.

You can find Netherite Cloud Boots in Bastions.


From now on, Addon Cloud Boots is also available in other languages.



He created an addon : EndiKM

The first Cloud Boots were made in the modification of Better Dungeons for Minecraft Java Edition. Modifications made : Chocolate Quest



You can freely edit or modify this Addon as long its for personal use. For codes you MUST ASK ENDIKM FOR PERMISSION.


Suggestions, Bug Report, and Feedback:

My Discord Tag : EndiKM#0153

Or you can use the comment section below.

Thanks For Downloading


  • I added the ability to craft Netherite Cloud Boots
  • Should now some more Netherite Cloud Boots  spawn in Chests in Bastions


Enable the following experiments : 

creator: EndiKM