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MCPE/Bedrock The Wild Environment (v1.1)

This add-on will increase the wilderness of nature, to make your world look more natural and interesting place to play. It added more soil & rock patches to both surface & ocean floors. And increased the generation rate of grasses, flowers & other type of plants. This best use of survival game.

Video Trailer: The Wild Environment (v1.0) | Minecraft
The Wild Environment add-on will expand the environment generation of all the overworld biomes. By increasing the plant vegetation, and adding more tree features like; wild trees, wild flowers, & bushes. This add-on does not add any new types biome & block, in order to retain the vanilla feel of the game.
Feature list:
- Stone Patches:Â Generate on surface and underground, can be found in all of the overworld biome.
- Cobblestone Patch:Â Â Surface patch, generate in all of the overworld biome expect Desert & Badland. Underground patch, generate in all of the overworld underground.

- Mossy Cobblestone Patch:Â Surface patch, generate in all of the overworld biome expect Desert & Badland. Â And frequently in Swamp & Jungle biome. Underground patch, generate in all of the overworld underground.

- Soil Patches:Â Generate on surface, and can be found only with their specific biome.
- Coarse Dirt Patch:Â Generate in Badlands & Savanna.

- Moss Block Patch:Â Generate in Rivers, Mushroom Island, & all the biome with grass surface.

- Dead Coral Patches:Â Generate on underground, and can only found in all of the ocean biome.

- Cobblestone Pile:Â Generate on surface, and can be found in all of the overworld biome expect Desert & Badlands.

- Mossy Cobblestone Pile:Â Generate on surface and can be found in all of the overworld biome expect Desert & Badlands.

- Bushes:Â Generate on surface, and can be found in all of the overworld biome expect Desert, Badlands, & Oceans.
- Oak Bush:

- Spruce Bush:

- Birch Bush:

- Jungle Bush:

- Acacia Bush:

- Dark Oak Bush:

- Azalea Bush:

- Flowering Azalea Bush:

- Mushroom Bush:Â Generate on surface, can be found infrequently in Swamp & Roofed Forest. And frequently in Mushroom Island.

- Wild Trees:Â Some of the trees will generate in different types biome. They spawn infrequently, and can found mostly in forest type biome.
- Wild Oak Tree:

- Wild Spruce Tree:

- Wild Birch Tree:

- Wild Jungle Tree:

- Wild Acacia Tree:

- Wild Dark Oak:

- Tree Stump:Â Generate on surface in height of 1 to 3 blocks tall, and covered with vines. They can be found in all of the overworld biome expect Desert, Badlands & Oceans.
- Oak Tree Stump:

- Spruce Tree Stump:

- Birch Tree Stump:

- Jungle Tree Stump:

- Acacia Tree Stump:

- Dark Oak Tree Stump:

- Fallen Logs:Â The normal fallen logs can generate long up to 2 to 5 blocks long, and the mega fallen logs had different variations. They can spawn in all of the overworld biome including oceans floors.
- Fallen Oak Log:

- Fallen Spruce Log:

- Fallen Mega Spruce Log:Â (3 variants)

- Fallen Birch Log:

- Fallen Jungle Log:

- Fallen Mega Jungle Log:Â (3 variants)

- Fallen Acacia Log:

- Fallen Dark Oak Log:

- More Grass Vegetation:Â Generate more grass vegetation.
- Tallgrass Vegetation:Â Generate more tallgrass in all of the biome with a grass surface. And generate more Double Tallgrass in plains & forest type biome.

- Fern Vegetation:Â Generate more ferns in all of the forest type biome.

- Seagrass Vegetation:Â Generate more seagrass in all of the ocean & rivers.

- More Mushroom Vegetation:Â Generate more small mushroom in Mushroom Island.

- Glow Lichen Vegetation:Â Generate a large patch of glow lichen in all of the overworld underground.

- Wild Flowers:Â Generate more random flowers from all of the overworld biome expect ocean & all the dry biomes.

- Wild Mushrooms:Â Generate more brown mushroom & red mushroom in random places.

- Sweet Berry Bush:Â Generate more sweet berry bush in biome with a grass surface.

- Melon:Â Generate more Melon in biome with a grass surface.

- Pumpkin:Â Generate more Pumpkin in biome with a grass surface.

- Azalea Plants:Â Generate both azalea & flowering azalea in all of the rivers and forest type biome expect taiga forests.

- Dripleafs:Â Generate both small & big dripleaf in all of the rivers & forest type biome expect taiga forests. And frequently in Swamp biome.

- Moss Carpet:Â Generate on land & underwater surface, can be found in River and all of the forest type biome expect taiga.

- Waterlily:Â Generate on water surface of river & lake.

- Dead Bush:Â Generate on underwater surface of river & lake.

- Kelp:Â Generate more kelp in all of the ocean & river biome.

- Coral Fan:Â Generate random Coral Fan in all types of ocean biome.

- Dead Coral Block:Â Generate random Dead Coral Block structure in all types of ocean biome.

Remove the old pack before installing the new version.
If you make a review, gameplay, or showcase about this add-on, please don't forget to give a credit and put the original link
Please do not provide any other download link that I didn't provided.
Version: 1.1
Changes & Fixing:
• 1.18 supported:
 - Adjusted the feature placement from the new world generation.
 - New biomes may now have the additional features.
• Renamed most the files.
• Increased the value chance of Tallgrass vegetation.
• Increased the flower vegetation in Flower Forest.
• Increased the flower vegetation in Birch Forest.
• Added Glow Lichen vegetation.
• Added more mushroom vegetation in Mushroom Island.
• Added Mushroom Bush:
 - Brown Mushroom Bush.
 - Red Mushroom Bush.
• Added Cobblestone Pile.
• Added Cobblestone Patch in underground caves.
• Added Mossy Cobblestone Patch in underground caves.
• Added Dead Coral Patch in underwater caves.
Don't forget to turn on the "Custom Biomes" in the experimental gameplay option:

creator: twitter.com/dangel_art/