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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Christmas Tools Addon (Merry Christmas!)

MCPE/Bedrock Christmas Tools Addon (Merry Christmas!)

Have you ever wanted to have Christmas tools? To be able to celebrate Christmas in Minecraft? To be able to kill your friends using such festive weapons? Or perhaps maybe to cover your map in snow or making an army of snowmans? Well, you have come to the right place!


NOTE: Enable EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options in order to use this addon!!!


This is a simple addon that adds a set of tools to your map.

With this tools you can have the power of the Christmas for the small price of 1 Diamond and 8 snowballs (pretty good deal if you ask me)

The Christmas Diamond is crafted using a diamond and 8 snowballs.



The Christmas Diamond will be used to craft the tools.

Recipe example for the tools:


And of course the sword has some kind of special power:)

Right click will summon a loyal snowman that will protect you from danger.

Right click + Shift will cover a part of the map in snow


Bonus: The Christmas Apple

The Christmas Apple will give you a lot of good effects (after all you have been good all year round, right?)

Apple Recipe:


I hope you will like it:)



V1 - Initial Release

  • Added: Christmas Tools
  • Added: Christmas Diamond
  • Added: Christmas Apple