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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Middle Earth Project Addon - The Last Download!

MCPE/Bedrock Middle Earth Project Addon - The Last Download!

MEAP ADDON is a project based on the Lord of the Ring movies, in addition to that based on all the creatures of the Middle Ages

This addon is in a beta state, in the same way the El Sando Team and "The Fellowship of the Dark Lord" Team is fixing errors and very soon the full version will be released including more than 20 mobs from the middle ages !!!

the middle ages now in your minecraft ...


El Sando 
Thanks to all


Witch King
leader of the nazgul, the lord of angmar, who fell under the power of the one ring!!!

Heatlh: 800
Damage: 12
equipment: which kings sword
Attack: Player, villager, pillager, and more...

Support Video 

Smaug ( New Texture)
A giant, strong, and very dangerous dragon, this dragon in search of its preys will fly and spit fire at its targets, so much fire that it can burn an entire village!

boss title: Smaug
Heatlh: 800
Shoot: burst of 100 fireballs very fast
Fly very fast at a range of 64 blocks, if you try to attack it, it will dodge you

preferably attack it with a bow, it is easier since if you attack it melee it will rise, complicating the attack with melee


Ringwraiths, skillful and strong, these spectra or fallen horsemen will appear in your world of miencraft eager to kill you in case you have the ring in your power or in your hands

Heatlh: 400
Damage: 12
Effect: Wither
Attack: Player, villager, pillager, and more...


Iron-forged soldiers, cast for battle, will fight to the death to defend their kingdom

Heatlh: 30
Damage: 7
equipment: iron sword
Attack: nazgul, smaug, witch king, and more...

Gondorian whit bow 

Heatlh: 30
equipment: bow
Attack: nazgul, smaug, witch king, and more...

For the next update we must join the discord and subscribe to the smaug049 channel !!!

Official Discord
(Monetize your minecraft creations, grow as youtuber and much more !!!)




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This topic was modified 1 week ago by McBedrock