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MCPE/Bedrock Better Magic Addon!
Better magic addon adds 9 magic wands for minecraft. all wands make different things like freeze mobs, burn mobs and explode watch the video for see all adon features and play this addon.
hostiles mobs can drop mana shards for make the mana
with mana and one bottle you can make the mana bottle
now make the forge table for make the blank wand
interact with the mana bottle in the forge table for put mana in the forge table
now for make the wands just follow the recipes
what wands do:
dirt wand:
one simple wand that just summon the dirt bullet
dragon wand:
summon the ender dragon bullet
fireball wand:
sumon one fireball
ice wand:
freeze mobs and players
levitation wand:
make mobs and players fly
wither wand:
summon the wither bullet and give the wither effect
and more!!!! (if you want see all magics you can see the video)
Adds craftable wands and every wand have different magics. Enjoy ?