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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock More Crossbows Addon Update! (Compatible With Other Addons)

MCPE/Bedrock More Crossbows Addon Update! (Compatible With Other Addons)

This addon adds more crossbows, from ones that shoot snowballs to others that shoot wither skull. This addon is also compatible with other addons so it can be quite useful.


This crossbow shoot a bullet shulker and like the shulker it will gave levitation for 10 seconds

It also has a 0.6 second cooldown.

This crossbow shoots a fireball like a ghast

Has a cooldown of 0.6 seconds

This unusual crossbow shoots a trident at high speed

Has a 1 second cooldown

This crossbow shoots wither skull like a wither and will give the effect of wither

Has a cooldown of 0.6 seconds

This crossbow shoots snowballs which gave slow and have 2 points of damage

Has a cooldown of 0.3 seconds

This crossbow shoots evocation fang like an evoker

Has a cooldown of 0.8 seconds

This crossbow fires tnt at high speed

Has a cooldown of 0.6 seconds 


This crossbow shoots a fireball like that of the ender dragon

Has a cooldown of 4.0 seconds

This crossbow shoots arrows faster than a normal one

Has a cooldown of 0.4 seconds

Version 1.0.3

In this update, durability was added to the crossbows, each crossbow has 400 durability

Version 1.0.4

Added 3 new crossbows chicken crossbow, slime crossbow and thunder crossbow

This crossbow shoots balls of slime that deal 3 damage in an area of ​​5 blocks.

Has a cooldown of 0.6 seconds

This crossbow shoots lightning bolt

Has a cooldown of 0.6 seconds

This crossbow shoots eggs quickly

Has a cooldown of 0.05 seconds

In order for the addon to work correctly, the activated experiments are needed

Rules of use

If you are a content creator and you are interested in making a video of my addon, keep this in mind

Do not create links from my addon

Please do not provide the direct link

If this is not respected, I will have to use my copyright


Added 3 new crossbows chicken crossbow, slime crossbow and thunder crossbow