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MCPE/Bedrock Amethyst Shard Tool Pack

This pack introduces 19 New Items related to the 1.17 update. These are some over powered items and VERY Late game. It starts with the Amethyst set and then you can corrupt them with the Chaos Ingot.

Chaos items are made by adding a Chaos ingot in a Brewing Stand:

Brewing Stand Recipes:
- Amethyst Sword + Chaos Ingot = Chaos Stick
- Eye Of Ender + Chaos Ingot = Chaos Eye
- Amethyst Armor + Chaos Ingot = Chaos Armor
To get a Chaos Ingot You need to Make a Corrupted Amethyst Star, Then Right Click to Cause CHAOS. Then you will notice that it gave you a Broken Corrupted Amethyst Crystal. Use that in the Crafting Table to make a Chaos Ingot.
Amethyst Armor:

Helmet: 9 Armor, 1000 Durability

Chestplate: 40 Armor, 2000 Durability

Leggings: 30 Armor, 2250 Durability

Boots: 5 Armor, 1000 Durability

Chaos Armor:

Helmet: 20 Armor, 1500 Durability

Chestplate: 60 Armor, 2500 Durability

Leggings: 40 Armor, 2250 Durability

Bootst: 10 Armor, 1500 Durability

Amethyst Star
Eat to Practically Kill yourself (no reason at all to eat it)

Amethyst Crystal
Right click to use Regeneration, Health Boost, Resistance, Absorption

Corrupt Amethyst Crystal
Right click to cause CHAOS (withers and tnt), Also gives you a broken corrupt amethyst crystal

Amethyst Shard Sword
15 Attack, 2750 Durability
Right click to use Ender Pearl

Amethyst Shard Pickaxe
3000 Durability
Right click to use Haste

Chaos Stick
Right click to throw a Wither Skull

Chaos Eye
Eat to TP all players in a 500 Block Radius

Chaos Staff
45 Attack, Infinite Durability
Right click to use Wither Skull or Instant Health (Random), Right click block to use TNT

Hope You Enjoy!
Added The Recipes To The Info Page
Changed pack names
Just Download and Enjoy, Make sure to turn on experiential features (Listed at top of the list)
creator: https://twitter.com/TAGCBTTV