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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Magic Apple Pack

MCPE/Bedrock Magic Apple Pack

Are you bored just eating golden apple every day? Yes, me too so here I made this add on to add a new apple in minecraft to make it more fun with 79 new apples that are very useful


All apples total 79
you can find it in your inventory when you in creative mode

You can also make it in survival mode
and you can eat when hunger bar is full

I suggest playing it on version 1.17
And higher version
for version below it may not work

For next i thing i can update it

(Sorry if my english bad)

List apple

VERSION 0.1.19
-Iron Apple
-Diamond Apple
-Emerlard Apple
-Amethyst Apple
-Redstone Apple
-Lapiz Lazuli Apple
-Obsidian Apple
-Netherite Apple
-Leather Apple
-Chainmail Apple
-Copper Apple
-Turtle Shell Apple
-Nautilus Apple
-Glow Squid Apple
-Glow Stone Apple
-Prismarine Apple
-Slime Apple
-Shulker Shell Apple
-Rainbow Apple

VERSION 1.2.39
-Quartz Apple
-Bone Apple
-Flint Apple
-Coal Apple
-Charcoal Apple
-Brick Apple
-Magma Apple
-Phantom Membrane Apple
-Blaze Powder Apple
-Ghast Tear Apple
-String Apple
-Rabbit Foot Apple
-Chorus Fruit Popped Apple
-Dragon Breath Apple
-Nether Star Apple
-Crying Obsidian Apple
-Shroomlight Apple
-Ender Eye Apple
-Nether Forest Apple
-Glitch Apple

VERSION 2.3.59
-Feather Apple
-Spore Blossom Apple
-Gilded Blackstone Apple
-Totem Apple (Only Can Eat It)
-Nether Brick Apple
-Bamboo Apple
-Glistering Melon Apple
-Heart Of The Sea Apple
-Cobbledstone Apple
-Deepslate Apple
-Blood Stone (Netherrack) Apple
-End Stone Apple
-Andesite Apple
-Granite Apple
-Diorite Apple
-Tuff Apple
-Blackstone Apple
-Dripstone Apple
-Heart Apple
-Sweety Apple

VERSION 3.4.79
-Glow Lichen Apple
-Hanging Root Apple
-Moss Apple
-Clacite Apple
-Tinted Glass Apple
-Vines Apple
-Weeping Vines Apple
-Twisting Apple
-Soul Sand Apple
-Soul Soil Apple
-Oak Apple
-Spruce Apple
-Brich Apple
-Jungle Apple
-Acacia Apple 
-Dark Oak Apple
-Crimson Apple
-Warped Apple
-Ore Apple
-Cursed Apple

Other on this add on

-durability (200)
-damage (5)

Sharpned bamboo
-durability (100)
-damage (5)

Stick sword
-durability (50)
-damage (3)

Glass with lead
-durability (100)
-damage (5)

Just that, I hope you enjoy it



New texture for some apple

Add 20 new apple

Now total is 79

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1r54hIwOiPMlKzsV5gjNUg


Download zip

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