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How to get mods on Minecraft PS4
In this post, I'm going to tell you how you can get minecraft mods in your PS4.

Step 1:
Open mods section and click on crazy craft.
Step 2:
Scroll all the way down and download crazy-craftv3.1. One it's downloaded, open the file
Step 3:
Go ahead and click on create new > create new world and then setup the settings according to the screenshot adding below.
Step 4:
Go to resource packs > my packs and activate crazy craft.
Step 5:
Now launch the game, it will take few minutes to load so don't worry.
LAN games
Now if everything is done correctly, launch minecraft with your PS4. Then click on play > click on friends tab > scroll all the way down to LAN games ( you need to turn on your multiplayer if you want this to work). Click on it and enjoy the game.
Realm method
Go to main menu of minecraft PS4 and click on on play. Under world tab there are realms. You need to buy realms but when you get a new microsoft account, you get 30 days free trial.
Click on the edit icon > then click on resource packs. Activate the pack you want to. After just click on Play button.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below!