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EndorCore Shaders

I got bored and decided to make shaders, so I followed a tutorial and am now working on EndorCore shaders. They're currently in beta and won't be particularly fancy, but they're intended to be suitable for low-end devices.
Shaders work in 1.16.201 and higher, and are currently only available for MCPE; Win10 support may be added in the future. They're functional on Android, but I'm not sure about iOS.
These Shaders add subtle shadows and alter the color slightly. They're useful for low-end devices or for people who prefer a more traditional look.
There could be some issues with the shadows. I'll do my best to fix as many bugs as possible, but I'm no expert.
Please let me know if there are some features you want added to the shaders.
The shader tutorial I used: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyFwNRHg_kNu_WDh2adTkc-gRCVP7Hhy3
Shaders Include:
Blocklight changes
And more....
How emissive blocks look. I felt that in most shaders, blue and white blocks looked weird, so I tried to make the color work well for both:
Sun reflection on water:
Nether(only a few biomes work):
Underwater light: