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Asriel's Atmospheric Shaders

This shader was created as a side project by myself and a few others. Some elements of this shader were inspired by KK3310's tutorial video series. It is a shader that aims to make your Minecraft world more vibrant without interfering with other game elements.
IIn this shader pack you will receive...
- Enhanced Lighting.
- Vibrant ambient colors.
- Lively trees with waving waters.
- Custom day, rain and night sky colors.
- Custom textures on certain particles.
- Improved Nether
- And many more...
It is also recommended to use the shader with the in-game brightness set to 50 or above.
This is an early version of the shader, please give us suggestions if you'd like to see another update.
You may modify this shader at your own use or use some of the code to create your own shaders. If you wish to create a video about the shader, please link the MDLHUB page in the description.
Thank you for giving the shader a shot if you have!
You may also forward suggestions or questions on my discord - https://discord.gg/vn7vsFp
You can ping me in chat to ask something. But do not DM me.
I just don't like strangers DMing me. I will set up a specific channel for my shader in the near future.