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Zexus Client v4.1 MCPE

Zexus Client v4.1
Are you lagging so bad in mcpe? where in it is impossible for you to play in servers? or even in your normal world? Then i suggest you to use my Client . FPS+ Client and Zexus Client will surely reduce your minecraft lag ! by optimizing your game and more .
This Client focuses on increasing your fps , which will explain why this client does not add new guis , particles and more.
-Whats New? , Better optimization , cleaner , lighter!(1.5mb size), removed modes that will just cause lag , new info panel! , separated PvP versions from the pack , renamed the modes , you can use other texture packs without worrying of lagging! and more!
Cleaner Main Menu
1.FPS+ SUBPACK ( Renamed the Default v1 of FPS+ Client)
1.Clear Water
2. Removed Water Fog
3.Java style hotbar and invisible hud
4. Removed all particles.
and more particles
5. Low Black Fire ( No animation)
6. No lava animation
7.Full bright / nightvision
8. Removed Splash particles , and reduced the rain particles
( Im playing on pocket edition , not on pc)
Others :
1. removed stars ( not really a major change because you can just turn off beautiful skies)
2.Optimization of blocks
3. Removed the white circle for non split controls players. ( The white circle when u break stuff)
2.FPS++ SUBPACK ( Renamed MaxFPS Mode and its better )
– Has features from FPS+ but has additional features that could increase your FPS.
– Totally removed all the particles , from rain particles to particles from mobs!
– Tallgrasses and normal grasses are now very short which boosts fps
– All flowers are now smaller and reduced its texture to also boost fps
– Grass blocks are now grass blocks
– Clean Glass
3. FPS+++ SUBPACK ( Renamed 4×4 Mode) 4×4 is now legit 4 by 4 pixels , before it was just 16×16 that was made to look like 4×4 , expect increasing of fps on this one.
– Same Features with FPS++ but textures of blocks are 4×4 ( more fps ):
PvP Version of FPS+ Client
– Same Subpacks with the normal version , but has PvP aspects like Particle Multiplier , Java Bow ding aound effect , blaze hit sound effect , PvP wools , Outlined Ores , Short Swords , Clear GUI and more!
Blood Crit Particles Has been changed into Heart Crit Particles( For PvP Version of FPS+ Client)
V5.1 Minor Update
– FPS++ and FPS+++ subpacks on both Default and PvP versions now have Invisible Grass and ferns which will make your game look clean and im pretty sure it also increase your fps.
Ive also added a new logo and plain black background in the main menu screen!.
Zexus Client v1
– Pretty much the customizable and better version of FPS+ Client. Better UI’s , and many mods to use
1. UI Changes
2. 16 Mods that can be used ( Works as overlays )
1.No Plants Mod
– Makes plants invisible to make your game look clean and increase fps.
2. More Particles Mod
– Multiplies the Crit Particles
3.Custom Particles Mod
– Choose from 5 different kinds of Crit particles that will fit your style for pvp
4. 2d Paperdoll
– Has 3 different kinds of paperdoll sizes , the paperdill is also placed at the top right.
5. Custom Hit Sound Effects mod
– Changes the hit sound effects , inspired from Refraction Oof Mod
6. No particles Mod
– removes all the particles to reduce lag
7. Custom Break Animation Mod
– Choose from 3 different kinds of break animations!
8. Custom Crosshairs Mod
– Choose from 9 different kinds of crosshairs that can be used in game!
And alot more…. credits and information about the mods are in the description of the packs.
Zexus Client v2
– New and Better UI’s , and some bugs fixed
1. New UI’s ,( main menu and pause screens)
Zexus Client v3
– 5 new Texture Pack Mods , better UI’s and more!
1. New Main Menu UI
2. New Pause Screen UI
3. 5 New Texture Pack Mods!
1. New Custom Backgrounds Mod
– Choose from 6 Different Kinds of Panoramas and backgrounds!
2. New No Water fog Mod
– Makes Water Clear
3. New Full Bright Mod
– Removes shadows which makes dark brighter
4. New Zexus Java UI mod (full credits to CrisXolt)
5. New WaterMark Mod
– Adds a Zexus Client WaterMark on the bottom Right ( small watermark )
And alot more….
4. Added the Shop / Marketplace button in the main menu ui.
( New )Zexus Client V4 Big Update!
– Many new cool mods , new armor and saturation indicator , and alot more!
1. Zexus client now has 2subpacks/options , Day and Night subpacks.
1. Day Subpack/Option
2. Night Subpack/option
2. Birch leaves are now pink
3. Speed Potions are Now Light / Neon Blue
4. New Armor and Saturation points indicator!
5. New Mods!
1. Damage Color Changer Mod!(Thanks to ambient for helping me out)
– Changes the Red Damage color to blue , green , yellow , and even RGB!
2. New Anti-Invisibility Mod!
– Potion particles now have big red squares on them , making it easier to spot Players with invisibility!
3. New 4×4 Mod!
– Changes the textures of the blocks to 4×4 to reduce lag.
4. Optifine Mod ( Combined NoParticles , NoWeather , NoPlants Mod)
– Helps in reducing lag spikes and stablizes your game by making fire , lava unanimated ,removing of particles , removing of grasses , ferns , and flowers that cause lag spikes
6. New Zexus Exclusive Cosmetics!
– White Zexus Hoodie!
– Dark Blue Zexus Hoodie!
Zexus Client v4.1
– Minor UI changes to match Badlion Client , bug fixes , removed some packs and subpacks.
1.Minor UI changes
-Main Menu
-Pause Screen
2. Bug fixes
– Players section not showing is fixed
– Offsets of buttons not showing properly are fixed.
3. Removed some pack and subpacks.
– Removed the day and night subpacks on the client.
4. Convenient and Easy to use
– In version 4.1 , all you have to do is open the file with Minecraft and wait for the pack to finish importing in Minecraft, after finishing importing, all you gotta do is to select and use the mods and the client!
NOTE: The client might still contain bugs, report it to us( well, I'm the only one making the client but ok lmao)and we’ll try to fix it.
( Make sure this gets reposted lmao or me cry )
Zexus Client v4.1
- Bug Fixes
- Minor UI changes to match Badlion Client
- Removed some packs and subpacks
- More Convenient and easy to use in v4.1!
( Follow all the instructions in linkvertise and it will redirect you to Mediafire)
1 Download the file
2 Open the file in the downloads section by tapping on it or you can press add a shortcut on home screen and press it there and it'll install the client automatically.
creator: klutzyy