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LunarClient v4.1 for Minecraft PE 1.15/1.16 (FPS Booster)

LunarClient v4.1 for Minecraft PE 1.15/1.16 (FPS Booster)

Even if you have a modern device with Minecraft Bedrock Edition installed, you may encounter some difficulties while playing the game. This is primarily due to the specifications of your smartphone or tablet, but there are instances where FPS is reduced by default.

Changelog v4.1:

- New Homescreen
- Updated textures
- Icon redesign
- Minecraft PE 1.16 support
- New subpacks: FPS / Lunar / PvP

To boost FPS in Minecraft PE in just a few seconds you will need LunarClient. It was created as a simple solution in situations with reduced FPS, as well as to give the player a wider range of options not available in the original game.

What is LunarClient?

This is a small addon that implements separate tabs with new options in the menu. The developers hid them from the eyes of ordinary players, but LunarClient makes them appear open and working, allowing you to change some graphical aspects of the game.

How to boost FPS?

Install the addon and open the settings. Then go to the panel.video tab and turn the slider to the right to set the maximum number of frames. At any time, FPS can be reduced to the optimal value. But FPS is not the only new option.
Turn on Debug Hud, change Paricle Render Distance, and also look at other options that affect performance and graphics quality in MCPE.