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Vanilla RTX Normals

Vanilla RTX Normals aka Truly Vanilla RTX Normals (TVRTN) is a Normal map based Vanilla RTX Resource pack / Texture pack with PBR Support
Using Perfectly accurate normal maps, Vanilla RTX Normals is an special resource pack with fresh normals designed for Minecraft RTX. All Blocks are Covered!
There is also a subpack for Heightmaps which you can switches from normals for a more bumpy-pixelated look (very similar to Nvidias Crystal Palace resource pack looks), continue reading to learn more about both subpacks.
Vanilla RTX normals aka Truly Vanilla RTX (tvrtn) is a 16x vanilla PBR resource pack for Minecraft with Ray tracing (or Minecraft RTX) which uses 16x Normal maps, all blocks reflectiveness/roughness have had special care & there are several add-ons which allows you to customize some parts of truly vanilla rtx, more explained in description.
In one of updates, A subpack was added for Vanilla Heightmaps, If you prefer their look, you can switch using gear icon by clicking on pack.
Also note: Some images might be out-dated, as there have been quality updates over time.
Full 1.17 Caves & Cliffs Blocks RTX/PBR support (in both subpacks)
image credit: Markom58
Clear Glass Add-on On/Off
Glowing Glazed terracotta: (Also includes a subpack to switch to Heightmaps when using heightmaps subpack in main pack, this is only to preserve consistency & optional)
Glowing Hardened Clay/Terracotta (none glazed) Add-on:
Heightmaps subpack:
Can be activated via gear icon next to pack, Click the gear & switch between modes, both modes are Vanilla textures with different types of PBR maps.
Some screenshot of Heightmaps subpack, All blocks are covered:
Glowing Ores Add-on: Also Includes a subpack for Heightmaps mode, Updated to latest 1.17 Textures with Deepslate Ores support
Extra creative blocks: (they replace education edition Element blocks)
Extra building blocks accessible through education edition mode element blocks section, activate pack in World Settings in order to use extra blocks as they will not appear if you activate pack in Global settings.
NOTE: Extra blocks are only accessible in Education Edition mode, They will not disable Achievements or affect survival worlds, their only purpose is being Creative blocks for your Creative builds!, some of them are also animated.
There are also Several patches/add-ons which you use to customize pack, any of add-ons must be placed over Main pack to work properly, You do Not need to have them all on, They are optional just to change a part of pack properties, like none glowing ores to glowing ores, or Clear water to remove water texture/lines.
Important notes:
- You are not allowed to re-publish TVRTN/Vanilla RTX Normals on any other website
- Please respect the Original link/Source (Here & my discord)
- You are not allowed to steal or redistribute Any of Vanilla RTX Normals files except those that are licensed as CC0 in README.txt file in pack file)
- You are allowed to modify anything within pack for your personal use, for more info read the txt file in pack files.
- You are free to record videos while using Truly Vanilla RTX Normals for any purpose.
- You can also visit Discord server to get access to all future news/updates or just to give feedback or if you have other questions/have trouble with something/