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Ultra Realismo Shader v1.3

Ultra Realismo Shader v1.3 is a new realistic shader with the purpose of improving the graphics for a greater gaming experience based on the canceled project of Mojang Super Duper Graphics Pack only compatible with (Android/iOS)
- Colorful world
- Lighting coloring
- Realistic sky based on Super Duper Graphics Pack
- Realistic water
- Water wave
- Realistic shadow
- Waves and underwater caustics
- Shaking leaves and plants
- The stars change color
- Sun rays Realistic
- Nether similar to Java Edition Shaders
- Option to configure the clouds
-This option, as the shader says, is to deactivate the second layer of clouds if you don't like cloudy skies.
-And this option is to activate the second layer of clouds for more similar to the super duper graphics pack.