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YamaRin's Legacy

YamaRin's Legacy is a Shader Pack for Minecraft Bedrock Edition that enhances the realism of your world!
It took a lot of trial and error for me to create the most realistic and beautiful shader pack...
Finally, I was able to make the shader pack I desired!
I hope you have fun with this shader pack :)
Water Update
- Big changed the reflection on the water surface!
Screenshots were taken on 1.16.100 (Windows 10)
- Shadows
- Better three-dimensional clouds
- Reflections of the sun, moon, and clouds on the water surface and underwater
- Enhanced the sun and moon
- Adjusted lighting, colors, contrasts, and tone mapping
- Colored torch lights
- Waves for water, underwater, and plants
Supported Platforms
- Windows 10 (Version 1.16.100 or earlier)
- Android
- iOS
Report issues or bugs
- Issue Tracker on GitHub: https://github.com/YamaR1n/YamaRin-s-Legacy/issues
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/MCH_YamaRin
- Discord: YamaRin#8139
Changing configuration
To compensate this shader pack contains a configuration file so users can edit it directly to modify its behavior.
- Open config.h (directory it's in depends on your platform) with your favorite editor.
Windows 10:
shaders > hlsl > config.fxh
Android and iOS:
shaders > glsl > config.h
- For example, you can disable the shader-generated clouds and turn them into the default by changing the following line:
- To this:
Discord Server
- Join my Discord to get the newest information, and have fun talking with your friends!
- Discord Invite
- CC0 “No Rights Reserved”