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Texture packs

Stardew Valley Music - Musical Minecraft

Stardew Valley Music - Musical Minecraft

This resource pack is all about adding Stardew Valley music in to Minecraft!


A story before this came to be:

I was quite bored with the standard Minecraft music for quite some time now, and I recently started playing Stardew Valley. Loving the game so much I wanted to support its creator, so I purchased the wonderful soundtrack. Me being me I went to shower and in that shower my mind suddenly went from applying soap to "What if I add Stardew music to Minecraft?". So I hopped out of the water stream and started work immediately, converting .mp3 files to .ogg files was tedious but do-able.

   And there it was, in aw I enjoyed Minecraft so much more than usual with this music, so I wanted to share it with others, though having all the respect to Concernedape I went to his twitter and messaged him asking if it was okay if I put it online. Next day I woke excitedly to a green light!

   And now we are here, since its beginning (when it was only the 9 ambient tracks) it has now grown to replace all Minecraft music, and I'm so proud. :)


Cool story bro, but what about the pack?

Good thing you ask, this pack replaces all ambient songs (songs not activated by the player, instead playing on random intervals) with Stardew Valley music, if you're in the Overworld it plays a random spring, summer, fall or winter song and if you're in the Nether it plays a random mining song. When in the end it plays journey of the priary king.

   Besides this, it also changes the Music Discs to the music from heart events and the creative music to festivals.


Okay, but are they lowered in quality?

Not at all, they're converted lossless to .ogg files that Minecraft supports, taken from the original payed version of the Soundtrack.


Will it be difficult to install?

Nah chap, you'll be fine. Just download it and put it in your resource pack folder (automatically done if using the Twitch client.). And apply it at around the top of the load priority list, and boom! You're done.


Do you have any other projects?

Not at the moment, though I do have a finished version of Musical Minecraft for Terraria, and a Starbound version is planned.
