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Minecraft Addons

Saurian Addon Release 2 Early Access

Saurian Addon Release 2 Early Access


Saurian addon early access for release 2, an update for saurian addon featuring revamped coding and models, also new dinosaurs. This add-on is based on a game called Saurian .


  1. Manospondylus
  2. Triceratops (Aggressive) (Tamable, Ridable)
  3. Edmontosaurus/Anatosaurus (Tamable, Ridable)
  4. Pachycephalosaurus
  5. Thescelosaurus
  6. Dakotaraptor (Aggressive) (Tamable)
  7. Didelphodon
  8. Basilemys
  9. Denversaurus
  10. Paleosaniwa
  11. Ankylosaurus


All creatures can be found in Taiga and Mega Taiga, certain creatures like Triceratops and Edmontosaurus/Anatosaurus are pretty rare and to grow herbivores use carrots, for carnivores use beef. You'll also get a large amount of XP for killing large dinosaurs

There are 3 tamable dinosaurs: Edmontosaurus/Anatosaurus, Dakotaraptor, Triceratops

How to tame:

For Edmontosaurus/Anatosaurus you have to find 2 adults and then breed them with leaves and tame the baby with apples 

For Dakotaraptor you have to kill a Didelphodon and cook it's raw meat and then find an adult Dakotaraptor and tame it quickly or it will attack you ,recommended to trap them and then tame it 

For Triceratops you have to trap 2 adults and breed them with leaves and then kill the adults or they will kill you first and then tame the baby with golden apples
