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Props And Furnitures Addon
This Addon adds over 10-16 furnitures inside Minecraft and this is on BETA Version, for now, some furnitures can be interactable such as chairs, an oven, a television, and lots of furniture to collect.

This addon has lots of chairs and other stuff and it can be useful for city and role-play maps
You can seat at any chairs :)
Furniture List:
- Small Table
- Drawers
- Chairs and It has lots of variants
- Oven (It will gonna be fully functioning soon)
- Grocery Stand
- Cabinets
- Television
- Washing Area
- Classroom chairs
- Lights
- Glass Windows
Just go to the inventory tab and choose crate then get a stonecutter and use to get some furnitures
I'll gonna improve the crafting system because It just is functioned in creative for now so It will appear in survival soon.
This Addon was Inspired from Loled's Furnitures Addon Link Here
Here's the Youtube Showcase:
Here are the tips on how to download the addon so you won't get confused
- Download via on website
- Download the resource pack
- Wait for five seconds
- Read an article for 10 seconds
- Go to the download page
- Repeat Between Step 2 - 5 for the behavior pack
- Enjoy.