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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Waypoints

MCPE/Bedrock Waypoints

Do you ever find yourself running between two different parts of a large build, going between different bases in different dimensions, or just want to visit a friend in a realm? If so, this addon is for you! Simply install the addon and create up to 3 waypoints.


— How to use:

To use the addon, make sure that cheats are enabled in the world settings. Then, type “/function”. After this, you can set a waypoint to your current position with “/function set_waypoint/<one, two, or three>”. To teleport to a waypoint that was already set up, you can use “/function tp_to/<one, two, or three>”. To remove a waypoint, run  “/function tp_to/<one, two, or three>” followed by  “/function remove_waypoint”.


— Keep in mind that the ticker function is not for player use and does not affect anything.


— Having an issue? Need to report a bug? Want to get early access to more addons like this? Join the official discord server!


— Created by:

Chrome Villager