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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Uncharted Waters 1.2.0 (Hook, Line, and Sinker Update)

MCPE/Bedrock Uncharted Waters 1.2.0 (Hook, Line, and Sinker Update)

Dip your toes into the Uncharted Waters with new fish to exploit, fishing rods to fish with, and blocks to scale fish and use their scales to give you resources, including custom UI for said blocks as well!


Welcome to the vast oceans of Uncharted Waters. Where you can fish a variety of resource based fish, fish with new fishing rods, and create materials using scales from these fish.


There are lots of new fish, all based on resources to gather them easier. Along with this, there are seven "regular" fish that you could find in the real world, being the bluegill, carp, catfish, eel, gar, lionfish, and trout. Six of which can be cooked (All but the lionfish. To extract the resources from the fish, scale them using the new "Scaling Table".



Hooks are used to craft ability-based fishing rods. Their crafting recipe is simple. Add a modifier item to the hooks to get a special hook.



Reels are used to craft resource-based fishing rods. Their crafting recipe is simple. Add a resource material in the center to get a different reel.


Fishing Rods

These fishing rods are crafting in the "Fishing Rod Forge". Shift+Interact to cast a hook. Interact to retrieve your caught item. Upon catching something, you will gain a slight amount of experience as well. There are two "categories" of fishing rods, being either resource or ability based. Resource based rods simply have a higher durability, while ability based rods, though with a lower durability, give special changes to your catch, including a way to catch multiple fish at once, speed up the fishing process, or get better loot from fishing.



There are three crafting station blocks in this addon. Each is crafted within the crafting table. These tables, each with their own custom UI, are used to catch and exploit the fish caught within this addon. BUT IF YOU GET CUSTOM UI VERSION IT WILL BE INCOMPATIBLE WITH OTHER ADDONS THAT CONTAIN CUSTOM CRAFTING TABLES.



Scales are obtained via scaling fish in a "Scaling Table". By putting four of the same scale type in the new "Scale Fabricator", you get a resource based off of those scales.



There are three crates! The Wooden Crate, Steel Crate, and Jeweled Crate. Each give loot themed with the block they are based off of. 



There are two charges; the Flame Charge, and the Electric Charge! The Flame Charge shoots fire balls, and the electric charge summons lightning. These are obtained via the charged and flaming scales



Future Updates

All Nether Fish/Scales have been made unobtainable. This is because of difficulty related to "Lava Fishing" mechanics. These will be made re-obtainable in a later update sometime in the near future.



Go check it out to better understand everything. Maybe drop a sub or a like, idk.¯\_(ツ)_/¯


-You may not steal/reupload anything from this addon

-You may add this in addonpacks, with credit of course

-You may review this as long as you provide a link to either this page or the Youtube video covering the most recent update



There is none, stop looking for stuff.





+New Fish


+New Fishing Rods

+New Crafting Stations

-Fisherman's Table

-Neptune Armor

-Liquid Blocks