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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Diamond Nugget+

MCPE/Bedrock Diamond Nugget+

Aaah diamonds, an easy resource to cultivate but difficult to find due to its rarity. What if instead of looking for a long time to mine a few diamonds, you mine a lot of diamond nuggets to get real diamonds. This is what I offer you in this mini add-on.


This add-on adds a diamond ore that can be found from layer 0 to layer 50:

 It is very easy to find and can be mined with a wooden pickaxe ... 

By mining it you will get diamond nuggets:

 Once you have collected enough Diamond Nuggets you can craft a Big Diamond Nugget:

 Here is the craft of the big little diamond:

 When you have crafted enough large diamond nuggets you will finally be able to have your diamond thanks to this craft:

 And now it's up to you to farm the nuggets and prepare all the diamond weapons and armor you need. 

I hope someone will like this add-on and if you have anything to tell me, go in comment or contact me on [email protected] 

Do whatever you want with this add-on as long as you remember to say that I created it. If you want to share, please try to do so with this link of this add-on.


  1. The texts were all drawn in the English language    


  1. La photo de présentation a été modifiée pour mieux présenter cet

creator: Stoonser