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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Ultraman Taiga New Generation Climax Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Ultraman Taiga New Generation Climax Addons

Hello everyone, today I will share the Ultraman Taiga New Generation Climax addons. In this addons there are many mobs namely ultraman ginga victory, ultraman exceed x beta spark armor, ultraman orb trinity, ultraman geed ultimate final, ultraman gruebe, and ultraman reiga


1.Ultraman GingaVictory

Heath : 100

Attack : 20


2.Ultraman X Beta Spark Armor

Heath : 100

Attack : 20


Ultraman Orb Trinity

Health : 100

Attack : 20


Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final

Health : 100

Attack : 20


Ultraman Gruebe

Health : 100

Attack : 20


Ultraman Reiga 

Heath : 100

Attack : 20



Update Model & Textures


creator: https://twitter.com/Z2190