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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock The Maze Runner Addon (New Mob!)

MCPE/Bedrock The Maze Runner Addon (New Mob!)

Grievers and other things from the maze runner makes it’s way into Minecraft including: grievers, beetle blades, banished individuals, custom blocks and spawn eggs, spears, custom items, and a lot more!


Adult Griever: Health: 450, Damage: 7, (when damages you get effected with fatal poison.) Will kill sheep, pigs, cows, chickens, wolves, cats, and is very fast and can climb walls.

Baby Griever: Health: 215, Damage: 5, (when damages you get effected with poisonous.) Will kill sheep, pigs, cows, chickens, wolves, cats, and is fast and can climb walls.

Beetle Blade: Health: 13, Attempts to avoid players as much as possible.

Banished: Health: 50, Damage: 5, (when damages you get effected with hunger.) Will kill sheep, pigs, cows, chickens, wolves, cats, foxes, villagers, and is a bit faster than a normal zombie.

WCKD Soldier Crank: Health: 125, Damage: 4, (when damages you get effected with wither.) Will kill sheep, pigs, cows, chickens, wolves, cats, and is a tiny bit faster than a normal zombie.

WCKD Scientist Crank: Health: 50, Damage: 4, (when damages you get effected with hunger.) Will kill sheep, pigs, cows, chickens, wolves, cats, foxes, villagers, an is a bit faster than a normal zombie.

Bullet Blade: Health: 45, Damage: 3, (when damages you get effected with mining fatigue.) Only targets players. And can teleport.

WCKD Creeper: Health: 75, Damage 4, (when damages/explodes, you get effected with blindness temporarily.) Only targets players. And is a bit bigger than a normal Creeper.


There is also custom sound effects that are replacing certain sounds such as: Ghast scream, bee sting, enderman death, enderdragon death, bat death, and blaze death. And some of these mobs drop regular items and custom items.


NOTE: The resource pack must be above every other resource pack that you have on your world. And custom blocks are only accessible by doing the command: /give @s cc:[block name]

  • Blade (NEW MOB)
  • Grievers now transform into a regular spider after being struck by lightning.
  • Baby grievers now transform into a regular cave spider after being struck by lightning.
  • Original griever head (BACK)
  • WCKD creepers now transform into a regular creeper after being struck by lightning.
  • And fixed some small known bugs.


Must enable every experimental gameplay option shown in the picture above.

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTce4_znvG5pnojA1k1wbug