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MCPE/Bedrock TELEPORTING Rings - Teleport Home
In this Minecraft Bedrock add on, you have different colored rings that correspond with different "home plates". Use this to TELEPORT to different places iin your Minecraft world, or share it with friends to teleport to each others Minecraft Bases!
In this Minecraft Bedrock Add-On, you can make different colored plates and use colored rings to teleport to those plates.
The "Home Plate" is the first plate. It can be made on the crafting table using 2 eyes of enders, 1 diamond, 3 smooth stone slabs, and 3 obsidian blocks.
You can change the color of this plate by combining it with a magic colored ring.
The different colored plate options are the following:
- Home Plate
- Blue Plate
- Red Plate
- Yellow Plate
- Orange Plate
- Red Plate
Each of those plates have a corresponding teleporting ring. The first ring is made using 2 blaze powders, 2 gold nuggets, and 1 ender pearl.
To change the color of ring, you can place it in the blast furnace and change its color each time that you smelt it.
Simply use the ring to teleport to the corresponding plate. However, each ring can only be used once, but  you can make as many rings as you like.
This pack is one of my favorites that I have made and is extremely fun to use in a Minecraft Multiplayer world.Â