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MCPE/Bedrock 3D Combat Addon
This addons goal is to provide a better combat experience it does this by adding better animations, new weapons and special mechanics to weapons with each type of weapon having a unique use
the katana dual wielding bug still not fixed( this is the second update it is not fixed its really hard to fix )
New thing: you now need to use skill scroll for the dodge to workÂ
New experimental toggles needed
Added the ability to use animations for other addons weapons by putting tagis_(weapon type)
improved first person animations and overall attack animations
added the ability to switch to combat mode and normal mode using subpacks
A exhaust and cooldown system
to the sidebar you see the exhaust and to the middle of your hotbar you see the cooldown timer
if exhaust reaches lower than 10 you will be given weakness and slowness
The Weapon types:
Longswords: heavy damage weapon available in the normal weapon materials
Spears: low damage but enough to kill an animalÂ
has a dash/sprint attack
now throwable
Lances: massive weapon with high attack deals more damage when on a horse or sprinting
Katanas: is a straight blade with one curved edge does than normal damageÂ
wakizashi has new specoal charged ability
weapon has two variants the wakizashi and the uchi you can equip uchi on off hand d wakizashi on main to get an effect like this:
odachi: a long katana with normal damage
abilities: using it while not sneaking give 2 strikes ability which lets the first strike stun the enemy the second strike makes the enemy bleed to death
using it while sneaking spawns a strong slash
Longbows: long charge higher damage than normal bow needs arrow off hand to shootÂ
why use it?Â
it doesnt require arrows it depends only on your exhaust
Sabers: because of its curvature it does more damage than normal bladesÂ
can block enemy attacks by sneakingÂ
has the ability to give strength upon use
Daggers: normal weapon normal damageÂ
has a special assasinate mechanic that lets you one shot or highly damage something when sneaking whilst invisible
can be held in the off hand for a bonus dagger damage
Katar: fast attack speed does more damage than dual wielded daggers when dual wielded
dual wielded grants the wielder an ability to charge strike
Pole Hammer: medium attack speed medium damage nothing special yet
has an area attack special
Greatsword: slow attack speed high damage and it can hit multiple targets
has a spin charge attack
Bec de corbin: only available in iron it has two modes(craft to switch)Â
and it also has a sprint attack
Maces : fair damageÂ
stuns enemies(gives em slowness upon hit)
lower damage on horseback
Halberd :Â dual wielded
balanced damage weapon with a lunge attackÂ
equipping it will make your offhand unusable and if you have a shield it will give it back(only shield work for now)
Glaive : one handedÂ
fairly balanced weapon with jump damage boost and sprint damage boost
has multiple strike animations
Zweihander: its all enemies in front has a long attack rangeÂ
combat mode fully integrated
to activate wear no armor and hold no item
long range is now ran in the weapon (previously ran on controller tag)
increased katana(normal) and decreased wakizashi damage
decommisioned longbow
swapped wakizashi and katana textures
fixed odachi abilities not working
added no cooldown links again(neglected previously)
Upon adding the addon to your world make sure that you turn on all experimental gameplay options except caves and cliffs, gametest framework, and  creation of custom biomes