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MCPE/Bedrock FenceJumper Addon V2

This Addon allows you to skip the tracks, by using gametest and thanks to this this add-on is compatible with any addon, you will be able to skip all the tracks in MinecraftÂ
Before starting with the addon, it should be clarified that you will need to activate all these experimental games, especially the one that says GameTest is the most important

Another important thing for the operation of this addon is that they have the tricks activated

Well now with the addon you can jump all the minecraft vanilla thanks to the gemetest that allows you not to use the player and be more compatible with other addons, the only thing you have to do is get closer and it will give you the effect of jumping high level 1 for 1 second. to seize the moment and jump

The addon is very simple but it is an advance with the gametest and stop using the player, hopefully more addons will come out with gametest
-Compatibility with version 1.17.30, 1.17.32 and 1.17.34 onwards