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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Survival Reborn v1.5 Cave Update/Biomes, 1.17 support, Bug Fixes

MCPE/Bedrock Survival Reborn v1.5 Cave Update/Biomes, 1.17 support, Bug Fixes

Have you ever wanted add-ons to feel more like java mods/modpacks? Have you ever wanted an amazing survival world with your friends? Have you ever wanted to blow things up with nukes or plant new types of trees with all new saplings? Have you ever wanted to explore huge caves? Have you ever wanted an improved spider animation? if you have ever wanted any of these things then this add-on is perfect for you  


All types of new woods    (only cherry is stripped for now)

Cherry Log, Cherry Stripped, Cherry Planks, Mossy Log, Mossy Planks, Dusk Log, Dusk Planks, Yellowstone Log, Yellowstone Planks, Sandy Log

All Planks can be turned into sticks and wooden tools 

All logs and planks have the same break speed of 0.8 

All the new types of leaves drop saplings that work ? 

Cherry leaves also drop cherries 


All the new types of grass

Yellowstone grass, belbood mesh, dusk grass 

Belbood mesh generates in belbood forests 

Dusk grass generates in dusk forests

Yellowstone Grass generates in Yellowstone forests 

All new types of grass have the same break speed of 0.8


All new types of crafting tables   (ignore the blue apple I fixed that texture now)

Magic Table and nuke crafter

Magic Table can craft magic staffs, Staffs, soulbinder, soul weapons

Nuke Crafter can craft nukes and missiles 



Cherry forest

A warm-weather biome 

Cherry trees and flowers generate here  along with some small oak trees



Rainbow forest

A warm-weather biome

Dusk Trees, Cherry Trees, Mossy Trees, Yellowstone Trees, Oak Trees, and some flowers generate in this biome 

Dusk Leaves Pile can be found here also


Belbood Forest 

A new type of swamp biome 

2 types of mossy trees, and belbood mesh generates here with some rocks and a lot of water 


Yellowstone Forest

A Desert type biome

I added a sub pack to add/remove this biome from the pack  (more info down below)

Yellowstone Trees, Sandy Trees, Skeleton ruins and some rocks generate in this biome 

Yellowstone Spiders Spawn Here 



Dusk Forest

Dusk Trees and Dusk Leaves Pile generate in this biome 

A Desert/forest type biome

(this biome may lag on low-end devices)

I added a subpack to remove/add this biome from the pack (more info down below)


All new types of saplings

Mossy sapling, Yellowstone sapling, Sandy sapling, Dusk Sapling, Cherry Sapling

All Saplings grow their trees on a random tick 

All saplings have a break speed of 0







Uranium ore and Deepslate Uranium ore 

Generates under y level 15 

When smelted drops uranium 

can be used to craft nukes


Cinnabar ore and deepslate cinnabar ore

Generates under y 12

When smelted drops cinnabar

Can be used to craft spells and new types of potions (WIP)

Cave Biomes


Muddy Caves  (look awesome thanks to 1.17)

Spawns in flower forests (don't always spawn)

generate muddy dirt underground 

has a 5% chance of spawning in warm biomes

has a 5% chance of spawning in cold biomes

Improved Spider

The Spider now has a new texture, model, and animation 

Still works like a normal spider tho



Yellowstone Spider 

Spawns in Yellowstone forests 

Drops Yellowstone string

The Yellowstone spider blends in with sand and sandstone


Fire Guardian Boss Tower

Spawns everywhere in the overworld 

In the top, there's a chest full of diamonds, and mythical/ancient weapons

if your unlucky the chest could have rails

The chest is Guarded by a mini-boss named the Fire Guardian 

I recommend you have full enchanted netherite before you enter the tower


Fire Guardian 

Shoots FireBalls (more attacks coming soon)

Immune To fire

Drops Fire Totem

Hp: 350




Spawns in belbood Forest

Drops wasp stingers that poison anyone in a range of 5

When 1.17 comes out I am gonna give the wasps a hive geode 


ATTACK DAMAGE : 3 with poison 1




Fire Missile

explosion power: 15

spawns fire

Needs Nuke Crafter to craft


Nuke Crafter Recipe

Needs Crafting Table to craft


Gun Powder Block Recipe

Needs Crafting Table to craft



Uranium Ingot Recipe

Needs Crafting Table to craft


Diamond shards into a diamond recipe

Needs Crafting Table to craft


Diamond to 9 diamond shards recipe

Needs crafting table to craft


Steel Alloy Recipe

Needs Crafting Table to craft



Iron Key Recipe (gonna be useable in the future)

Needs Crafting table to craft


Diamond Key Recipe (gonna be useable in the future)

Needs crafting table to craft



How to use when you go to create a world and add the add-on click more info and click the clog and then it will come up with a slide bar with options




soul rack patches that generate in the nether

has a chance that ruby will spawn inside these patches 

these patches are really common although getting ruby ore inside them is very rare 

Thank you to ihategravel for making jungles denser and fixing saplings


Changelog v1.5

logs can now catch fire

leaves can now catch fire

most text bugs have been fixed

Yellowstone saplings no longer spawn in the air

ores now generate in 1.17 

All cave carvers were removed and replaced by 1.17 cave features

All ores can now generate pass level 0

Lowered the fire guardians tower spawn chance by 1 

added deepslate variants for uranium and cinnabar ore 

added smelt recipes for deepslate ores 

Lowered soul magma spawn chance by 2

//note  Sorry this add-on is mainly bug fixing 1.17 came a lot faster than expected 




Thank you to everyone who has helped me with this add-on  (more updates coming soon)

btw I did a lot of the coding myself

Credit to Cyden Craft for coding some ancient weapons and helping with textures and some belbood assets and for also doing recipes

Credit to brass_geo for making most textures and advanced textures

Credit to TC for Weapon Textures

Credit to LordMaster/MemeMaster for coding some tornados (upcoming) and some weapons

Credit to Ihategravel for making the logs rotatable 

Credit to EchoStreem for models and textures

Credit To JavaAppa for Structure Building and Textures

Credit to Dolphin131777 for making some structures

Credit to KayraCam for animations and tornado model and fixing the spider animations after coderlux left

Credit to coderlux for doing the spider animations 

Credit to Enderlord for models

Credit to HatFluppyClouds for some 3d items

Credit to DakonBlackRose for his tree template


Showcase Video  (recommend you watch before playing)

Showcase v1.5 (1.17)

