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MCPE/Bedrock Sleeping Bag

So this is a small but very useful addon
This addon adds a sleeping bag
When you "use" the sleeping bag it sets your spawn and makes it day
This could be useful to people who like to travelÂ
The sleeping bag crafting recipe is basically a bed without the wood
Which makes it pretty easy to craft and it's an early game itemÂ
You do have to use the same wool as the picture because red is the only color right now
I might add more colors in the future ☺

You have to use 2 red wool and 1 white in the same order as the picture above or else it won't work ?
Check out my other addons
The only problems right now are that red is the only color I madeÂ
And this can be used to have infinite day :/
But other than that it works great

It is EXTREMELY hard to have an addon postedÂ