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MCPE/Bedrock Kibab's Weapons Beta

Have you ever wished for more weapons and items to be added to your game? This addon adds 9 new weapons to your game as well as many items that you can play with. It should be noted that some of the items were inspired by Hypixel Skyblock. Because I am new to making addons, you may find bugs, but I will try to improve the next time. I hope to create more items for this addon in the future.
Because this addon modifies the player json file, some items may not function properly if combined with another addon to ensure that it works. place the addon on top

Make sure to enable the following experiments.

If you intend to use this addon on your video, you must include a link to this page rather than the direct link.
Without permission, you may not copy the codes from this addon.
You can obtain these new items by crafting them or receiving them via commands.
Each of these weapons has a unique set of special abilities. To use these abilities, simply right-click (Windows 10 edition) or tap and hold the screen (mobile)
Dash Sword
+10 Attack Damage
Durability - 1100
Repair Items - Dash Sword, Bolt Shard
Use Ability: Summon 3 fangs behind you that do damage to mobs as you dash 5 blocks ahead. (After 5 uses, you must wait 10 seconds for the cooldown.)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:dash_sword
Crafting Recipe:

Frosted Sceptre
+7 Ability Damage
Durability - 670
Repair Items - Frosted Sceptre, Frosted Shard
Use Ability: Shoots a projectile that damages mobs as well as slowing them down. (No Cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:frosted_sceptre
Crafting Recipe:

Frost Blade
+6 Attack Damage
Durability - 600
Repair Items - Frost Blade, Frosted Shard
Use Ability: When used, it slows enemies in a 10-block radius. (30 seconds cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:frost_blade
Crafting Recipe:

Lament Sword
+5 Attack Damage
Durability - 500
Repair Items - Lament Sword, Poison Stone
Use Ability: Poisons enemies in a 5-block radius. (30 seconds cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:lament_sword
Crafting Recipe:

Dazzle Short Sword
+8 Attack Damage
Durability - 710
Repair Items - Dazzle Short Sword, Ender Pearl
Use Ability: Teleport behind the nearest mob as they get blindness. (10 seconds cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:dazzle_sword
Crafting Recipe:

Float Blade
+6 Attack Damage
Durability - 400
Repair Items - Float Blade, Iron Ingot
Use Ability: All mobs in a 10-block radius are elevated for 3 seconds. (5 seconds cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:float_blade
Crafting Recipe:

Lu Bu's Rapid Bow
+5 Ability Damage
Durability - 800
Repair Items - Lu Bu's Rapid Bow, Colo
Use Ability: It launches arrows rapidly but at a high cost in terms of durability (No Cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:lubus_bow
Crafting Recipe:

Extrusive Sword
+7 Attack Damage
Durability - 800
Repair Items - Extrusive Sword, Extrusive Ingot
Passive Ability: Sets the target on fire
Use Ability: All mobs within a 10-block radius are set on fire. (5 seconds cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:extrusive_sword
Crafting Recipe:

Lifesteal Wand
Durability - 200
Repair Items - Lifesteal Wand
Use Ability: Attacks nearby mobs and heals yourself (The amount of healing is determined by the number of mobs around) (7 seconds cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:lifesteal_wand
Crafting Recipe:

Fireball Wand
+3 Ability Damage
Durability - 360
Repair Items - Fireball Wand, Gunpowder
Use Ability: Shoots fireballs in the direction you're facing (No Cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:fireball_wand
Crafting Recipe:

Eruptive Staff
Explosion Damage
Durability - 200
Repair Items - Eruptive Staff, Extrusive Ingot
Use Ability: Shoots out a powerful projectile that explodes when it comes into touch with something. (No Cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:eruptive_wand
Crafting Recipe:

Frost Staff
No damage
Durability - 300
Repair Items - Frost Staff, Frosted Shard
Use Ability: Shoots a projectile that turns blocks into ice (No Cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:frost_staff
Crafting Recipe:

Speed Extractor Orb
No damage
Durability - 200
Repair Items - Cannot be repaired
Use Ability: Steals speed from mobs within a 10-block radius the maximum number of mobs from which you can steal speed is three. (5 seconds Cooldown)
Item ID: kibab:speed_extractor_orb
Crafting Recipe:

Assassin's Boots
Defense - 2
Durability - 300
Repair Items - Assassin's Boots
Ability (SNEAK): Gain invisibility and speed while sneaking (No Cooldown)
Ability Demonstration:

Item ID: kibab:assassin_boots
Crafting Recipe:
(Insvibility potion duration: 3.00)

Extrusive Armor Set
- Durability (Helmet) - 650
- Defense - 3
- Durability (Chestplate) - 800
- Defense - 7
- Durability (Leggings) - 810
- Defense - 7
- Durability (Boots) - 600
- Defense - 2
Repair Items - Each piece can be repaired by itself, Extrusive Ingot
Full Set Bonus: Immunity to fire and lava, the ability to set fire to the attacker when hit, and regeneration while in fire or lava
Item ID: kibab:extrusive_helmet - kibab:extrusive_chestplate - kibab:extrusive_leggings - kibab:extrusive_boots
Crafting Recipes:

Frosted Armor Set
- Durability (Helmet) - 590
- Defense - 2
- Durability (Chestplate) - 710
- Defense - 6
- Durability (Leggings) - 700
- Defense - 5
- Durability (Boots) - 590
- Defense - 2
Repair Items - Each piece can be repaired by itself, Extrusive Ingot
(Full Set Bonus)
Passive Ability: -Slows down mobs that attacks you -Turn the water around you into ice
Ability (SNEAK): Summon 5 snowmen on you (20 seconds Cooldown)
Item ID: kibab:frosted_helmet - kibab:frosted_chestplate - kibab:frosted_leggings - kibab:frosted_boots
Crafting Recipes:

Super Thick Armor Set
- Durability (Helmet) - 410
- Defense - 3
- Durability (Chestplate) - 540
- Defense - 7
- Durability (Leggings) - 520
- Defense - 6
- Durability (Boots) - 420
- Defense - 4
Full Set Bonus: Provides immunity to knockback and tons of defense, but you're slower and your attacks are weak
Item ID: kibab:super_thick_helmet - kibab:super_thick_chestplate - kibab:super_thick_leggings - kibab:super_thick_boots
Crafting Recipes:

Lu Bu's Armor Set
- Durability (Helmet) - 400
- Defense - 1
- Durability (Chestplate) - 410
- Defense - 6
- Durability (Leggings) - 450
- Defense - 5
- Durability (Boots) - 400
- Defense - 2
Full Set Ability (SNEAK): Gain Jump Boost 6 and Speed 4 for 20 seconds (30 seonds Cooldown)
Item ID: kibab:lubus_helmet - kibab:lubus_chestplate - kibab:lubus_leggings - kibab:lubus_boots
Crafting Recipes:

Bolt Shard
Item ID: kibab:bolt_shard
Crafting Recipe:

Ancient Fang
Item ID: kibab:ancient_fang
Evokers sometimes drop this item

Frosted Shard
Item ID: kibab:frosted_shard
Crafting Recipe:

Poison Stone
Item ID: kibab:poison_stone
Crafting Recipe:

Super String
Item ID: kibab:super_string_item
Crafting Recipe:

Arrow of Infinity
Item ID: kibab:arrow_of_infinity
Crafting Recipe:

Cooled Extrusive Ingot
Item ID: kibab:cooled_extrusive_ingot
Crafting Recipe:

Extrusive Ingot
Item ID: kibab:extrusive_ingot
Crafting Recipe:

Enchanted Sugar
Item ID: kibab:enchanted_sugar
Crafting Recipe:

Enchanted Feather
Item ID: kibab:enchanted_feather
Crafting Recipe:

Eruptive Core
Item ID: kibab:eruptive_core
Crafting Recipe:

Heavy Ingot
Item ID: kibab:heavy_ingot
Crafting Recipe:

Extract Dust
Item ID: kibab:extract_dust
Crafting Recipe:

Magical Feather
Use Ability: Get the slow falling effect for 5 seconds (Only 3 uses)
Item ID: kibab:magical_feather
Crafting Recipe:

Item ID: kibab:colo
Crafting Recipe:

As I previously stated, some of these items were inspired by the game Hypixel Skyblock.
Creator of this add-on:
Beta Tester:
Download both links
Import Behavior and Resource pack to your world
Turn on these experiments

creator: https://twitter.com/@kibab2396