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MCPE/Bedrock Sir Micky's 2nd Life

This Add-on is in tribute to my recently passed ESA. He was a big part of my life, He helped me out a lot emotionally. So I thought why not share him with others an let him help others like he liked doing.
Meet Sir Micky a certified ESA. He is here to help you out the player to protect you from hostile mobs and other players. Sir Micky can cause a wither effect upon attacking its aggressor.
Sir Micky Can be Tamed via Bones as well as sporting a total of 125 health points to give him a fighting chance along with doing 10 melee damage.
(Sir Micky has been there for me through some hard emotional times, he would help by comforting me with cuddles when he would notice my emotional state would go out of wack, hopefully this explains some of what he was trained to do as a ESA.)
Only Difference is In the minecraft world instead of Emotional Support from Sir Micky, He will protect you by defending you the player from hostile foes! So rest assured Sir Micky Has your back through Thick and Thin.
Sir Micky Is your DSA
DSA= Defensive Support Animal
Breeding mechanics is now fixed use raw meats to breed them. Cooked meats will also heal Sir Micky Now.
- Updated Texture for Micky
- Breeding does not work (but is implemented)
- Tame with Apple raw meats Salmon or bone
- Follows owner on tame
- HP bar only shows when 5 blocks next to Micky.
- Medium Spawn Rate.
- Has Good Drops but at a price he will kill you with wither an 10 dmg.
- This addon should work well with other addons being it does not mess with player json file very much from what i remember.
- Feature bug fix updates an new features coming soon.....eventually....
If having Any install issue please inform me in comment section along with bug reports as well if any.
Thank you.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxHQrlDGfhgldStTBcJKWHg