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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Simple Spears

MCPE/Bedrock Simple Spears

Simple Spears adds spears to your Minecraft worlds! This addon simply adds a new spear weapon type to your Minecraft worlds. Craftable out of wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond, and netherite, you can now take down Minecrafts toughest mobs with all new spears!


This addon simply adds several different spears to your Minecraft world!

A wooden spear can be crafted with two sticks and a wooden plank:

A stone spear can be crafted with two sticks and a single piece of cobblestone:

A gold spear can be crafted with two sticks and a golden ingot:

An iron spear can be crafted with two sticks and a iron ingot:

A diamond spear can be crafted with two sticks and a diamond:

A netherite spear can be crafted with two sticks and a netherite ingot:

Happy Hunting!

creator: moogaming227


-fixed download for resources pack and behaviors pack. . . .