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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Raiyon's More Tools Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Raiyon's More Tools Addon

Bored of the typical vanilla minecraft tools?

Looking for an addon for 1.17?

If so, this addon is for you as it adds more than 55 new tools and items.


Soul's Tools

Armor Protection

Recipe example

The Soul's Helmet when equipped gives night vision effect

Having the soul totem in hand will give the speed effect(can be equipped on off hand)

Soul's tools are moderately faster than diamond tools but have slightly less durability

Attacking a mob with any of these tools will give it the slow effect

Amethyst Tools

Armor Protection

Recipe Example

Having the amethyst chestplate equipped will give strenght effect

Having the amethyst totem in hand will give the haste effect(can be equipped on off hand)

Apple Effects

Amethyst tools are significantly faster than diamond tools but have moderately less durability

Quartz Tools

Armor Protection

Recipe Example

Having any piece of quartz armor equipped will give the effect of fire resistance

Having the quartz totem in hand will give the slow falling effect(can be equipped on off hand)

Apple Effects

Quartz tools are a bit slower than diamond tools but have more durability

What makes quartz tools special is that mining a block or attacking a mob will give you xp

Copper Tools

Armor Protection

Recipe Example

Having the copper totem in hand will give the resistance effect(can be equipped on off hand)

Apple Effects

Copper tools are slightly faster than iron tools but have less durability

Emerald Tools

Armor Protection

Recipe Example

Having the emerald totem in hand will give the hero of village effect(can be equipped on off hand)

Apple Effects

Emerald tools are a bit faster than diamond tools but have less durability

In order for the addon to work correctly, the activated experiments are needed

Rules of use

If you are a content creator and you are interested in making a video of my addon, keep this in mind

Do not create links from my addon

Please do not provide the direct link

If this is not respected, I will have to use my copyright

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC04XAkmv-2fLOrBOfC5taUQ/videos