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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Primally Add-on

MCPE/Bedrock Primally Add-on

This add-on has a new biome, mobs, blocks, and foods. The foods have some effect that can also help you and they can also smelt. The eagle can attack phantoms (on contact only).


This add-on has a new features "mobs, biome, foods, blocks" this features are the following:


Red-Yellow Leaves

Command: /give @s ry:red-yellow_leaves

this block is the sources of primally foods


Dumped Blocks

Command: /give @s ry:dumped_block

This block is the top of the primally biome


Dumped Stone

Command: /give @s ry:dumped_stone

This block is the main stone of the primally biome




Primally Biome

This biome hasn't any trees like desert




Cooked Primally Food

Command: /give @s ry:cooked_primally food

this food has so many effects than primally food


Primally Food

Command: /give @s ry:primally_food

This food can also turn into cooked when it smelt into the furnace



Medieval Eagle

Command: /summon ry:medieval_eagle

This eagle can attack phantoms and players


Tap the link then import it

creator: Mr.shadowgreed