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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock All In One Tool (AIOTs)

MCPE/Bedrock All In One Tool (AIOTs)

Need more space in the inventory? Don't want to switch between tools to easily break blocks? Then you will need this add-on that adds AIOTs (All In One Tool), Combines all tools in one tool.


This add-on adds new tools that can perform the functions of all tools.

AIOTs (All in one tool) you can use it as a sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, and hoe.

You can use it in a fight as a sword,

You can mine with it as a pickaxe,

You can break the wood with it as an axe,

You can break the blocks that shovel can break it with AIOTs,

you can make farmland with it as a hoe.

and you can make a grass path "when you be sneaking" as a shovel.


You can make 6 types of it:


Wooden AIOT

Attack Damage: 5

Durability: 557

Mining Speed: 2


Stone AIOT

Attack Damage: 6

Durability: 650

Mining Speed: 4



Attack Damage: 8

Durability: 1200

Mining Speed: 6


Golden AIOT

Attack Damage: 6

Durability: 154

Mining Speed: 12


Diamond Aiot

Attack Damage: 9

Durability: 7285

Mining Speed: 8


Netherite Aiot

Attack Damage: 10

Durability: 9478

Mining Speed: 10



You can enchant and repair all AIOTs


There is an issue with the durability with Minecraft, I tried to fix it now there is durability for the AIOTs but still there some issues.



🚫 If you are doing a youtube video or something you are not allowed to make your own download links and you must give the link.

⚠️ You must turn on all the experimental gameplay features and be at least in 1.16.100 version to play with this add-on.



Bug fixes:

  • Add durability for the AIOTs.
  • Add caves and cliffs update blocks.
  • Now the AIOTs appear in normal size.


  • Now the player can make a grass path with the AIOTs to make the grass path the player should be sneaking and click on the dirt or grass block.


🚫 If you are doing a youtube video or something you are not allowed to make your own download links and you must give the link.


⚠️ You must turn on all the experimental gameplay features and be at least in 1.16.100 version to play with this add-on.

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU6W6oX1SpZsnMFUUBBq0JA