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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Patitas Add-on v5

MCPE/Bedrock Patitas Add-on v5

TwitchTube presents for lovers of mythical and beautiful creatures, Patitas Add-on, a unique and fun add-on where you can interact with a beautiful chest with legs.

Welcome to Patitas Add-on



This accessory contains 10 beautiful chests with legs that you can tame and store your things 



By MarcoGamer & TwitchTube 


Discord:  https://discord.me/twitchtube-
Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/TwitchTubePatreon
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/TwitchTube_SC

TwitchTubeCreators ©


This add-on contains 7 chests ;


Ender's Pet ;

  • -You can tame it with ender eyes
  • -Has 45 health

Chets Pet:

  • -You tame it with diamond
  • -Has 35 health

Redstone Pet:

  • -It's tamed with redstone
  • -Has 25 health


Crimson pet :

  • -Tamed with Netherite Scrap
  • -Has 60 health
  • -immune to fire



Twisted pet ;

  • -He's tamed with netherite scrap
  • -Has 60 health
  • -Immune to fire

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:c 🙁


New Chest v2:




Blackstone pet :


    -You can tame it with Blackstone

    -Has 75 health

    -Immune to fire


V3 Chest:


It is tamed with apples and berries

A peaceful and beautiful creature that you can find in the underworld




This entity will attack you no matter what. She is totally aggressive and loves to kill other chests of different types
His greatest enemy is the Patitas de Amor





-Fixed a bug in pet of hatred, now it attacks other creatures
-Size solution in some entities
-Fixed bug in the life and attack of some 



- Added Halloween PeT
-Update addon for the last official versión of the game



List of changes:

-Fixed a compatibility issue with some devices
-Fixed an issue with the textures of some pets
-The presentation image of the complement and its 3D title was changed
-Added Halloween pet
-Updated plugin for the latest official version of the game.



  • 1- Download .mcaddon
  • 2- Open the file and wait for it to automatically import into Minecraft
  • 3- Activate the resource pack and behaviors in your world.


HOW TO INSTALL TEXTURE and Behavior? (.mcpack)


creator: https://twitter.com/TwitchTube_SC