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MCPE/Bedrock Parkour World

This is a parkour map in which you will have to complete the different challenges that are on each island, at the time of completing the 12 levels you will be declared the winner, every time you visit a new island a crown will appear on top of it telling you that you have already been there.
This is a parkour map in which you will have to complete the different challenges on each island, when you complete the 12 levels you will be declared the winner, every time you visit a new island a crown will appear on it indicating that you have already been there.
Each level has different ways to do parkour such as: slime or double jump, to continue to the next level you must reach the golden plate and wait to be transported to the next level.
The level has an easy to medium difficulty, this means that everyone can cross this map, you can practice your parkour techniques or even challenge your friends and find out who is the best. Â
So far there are only 12 levels but you can see the other islands around, for the next update I will add them.
  How to play
 To use the item "Kill" you will have to hold down the screen for a few seconds, but if you are in Windows just right click.
By:Â FreinerGamer25
YT:Â FreinerGamer25
 Please use the original download link if you post this content.

 New item that when you interact with it you will return to your last spawnpoint.