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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Naga Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Naga Addon

This addon adds a ferocious winged snake called Nagas, which lives in coastal cliffs and stony beaches, and is very aggressive towards players as it shoots poisonous acid shells at them.I hope you like this addon



Coastal cliffs are dangerous places. Adventurers tell about winged snakes called Nagas with amazing speed and the threat of acid poison. Although these Nagas are powerful, a well-placed arrow can knock a survivor out of the sky; It's time to strike when the Naga prepares to attack. Naga acid is considered deadly, but it can actually be used to neutralize other toxins. 

Naga Loot:

The fangs that they drop at death can be used to ferment antidote and to prevent poisons.

It is necessary to enable the experimental game!!

I'm not Mowzie but I got permission from him

Original java mod link:



  • Import packages
  • Enable the experimental game
  • Enjoy ?

creator: I'm Not Mowzie