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MCPE/Bedrock Wither Storm V1

Don’t ask why I made a wither storm addon in 2022! But, have you ever wanted a wither storm in your world? Now you can. Also it grows. So be careful. Make sure to suggest things I should add and enjoy.
Let’s get started with the bombs.
First up super TNT

This TNT has an explosion twice as big as a normal TNT. You use this to craft the Formida bomb.
Next is the Formida bomb.

the formida bomb doesn’t actually explode. You can kill witherstorm stage 8 with it and then make it go to it’s next stage.
Now for the stages of the wither storm.
stage 1:

It is a wither holding a command block. sorry it is facing backwards.
stage 2:

It is a stage One but with a few changes.
health: 800
stage 3:

It is stage 2 but with big wither storm head and a tentical.
stage 4:

Stage 4 has a bigger back.
health: 850
stage 5:

STAGE 5 is the one from the logo of Minecraft story mode.
health: 1000
stage 6:

this stage is stage 6 and it is very cool
health: 1024
stage 7:

Stage 7 it takes 200 seconds till it goes to its next stage once it does you can blow up your formida bomb

Stage 7 but with a bigger back and more tenticals
dead storm:

It is dead.
live again stages:

3 different witherstorms. Each take 350 seconds To evolve
Added wither storm stage 8 and bug fixes tell me if any bugs
Hey you should subscribe to my channel
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qYf2j02GmD8lE9kGI7QkA