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MCPE/Bedrock Npc's Addon
Have you ever wanted to have npc's in minecraft? are you tired of using villagers to populate your builds? well wish no more! with this addon you can add some more life to your builds, you can spawn 20 different npc's into your world, they go great with servers and, they can also spawn naturally in survival.
Npc's Addon
With this addon you can spawn 20 different npc's in minecraft. all the spawn eggs can be found in your creative inventory or you can spawn them in using commands, they can also spawn naturally in survival.Â
So, what can i use them for?
this addon goes great with servers! the npc's dont wonder around and will stay in the same spot, where ever you put them. Each npc will have 10 hp, so dont worry if you accidently hit one.
Examples of use for the npcs
how do i spawn in the npcs?
You can find them in your creative inventory. alternatively, you can also spawn them in using commands (/give @s morevillagers:citizen-10-spawn-egg). They can also spawn naturally, in your worlds.
Experiencing an issue? or want to suggest a new feature? join us on discord!
once you download the addon, it should port directly to your minecraft.