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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Utensils for Food - Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Utensils for Food - Addon

Are you bored of simply storing food in a chest and would like to see immediately what kind of food you have? There is a solution for this. Download Addon Utensils for Food and store your food better.


Utensils for Food


Made by EndiKM

This add-on adds a new block which is a jar, can and plate to hold your food.

You can store 1 to 10 fruits and vegetables in a jar.
You can store 1 to 10 meat in a can.
You can store 1 to 2 fruits, vegetables and meat on a plate.


You can make a jar, can and plate:

(NEW) You can create a glove with which you can pick up a jar, can, and plate with food already inserted:

I added new items for the jar, can and plate.

From now on, you can take out food while sneaking.

You can put in the jar:
-Baked Potato
-Dried Kelp
-Pimpkin Pie
You can put into the can:
-Cooked Beef
-Cooked Chicken
-Cooked Cod
-Cooked Mutton
-Cooked Porkchop
-Cooked Rabbit
-Cooked Salmon
-Tropical Fish
For now, you can put on the plate:
-Fruits and Vegetables



He created an addon : EndiKM


I used code with permission : Derp Craft

Derp Craft Discord Tag : rafa0103#7098



You can freely edit or modify this Addon as long its for personal use. For codes you MUST ASK DERP CRAFT FOR PERMISSION.


Suggestions, Bug Report, and Feedback:

My Discord Tag : EndiKM#0153

Or you can use the comment section below.

Thanks For Downloading


1. I fixed a lot of bugs.

2. I added a glove.


Turn on the experiments shown in the photo:

creator: EndiKM

This topic was modified 1 week ago 2 times by McBedrock