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MCPE/Bedrock Moondrop: Food!
Moondrop Craft is an addon for Minecraft. which adds new Food decorative items to make your Minecraft more cute and aesthetic.
this pack contains bread, cakes, condiments and many more!
- Moondrop Craft is an addon for Minecraft BE which adds new Food blocks and items to use into your world as decorations!
Moondrop Craft is a CIM addon (Custom Item Model).
You can get these items through /Function commands.
These blocks cannot be interacted with and are for aesthetic use only.
▪ Requires Minecraft v1.16.200+ to run
▪ Turn on experimental gameplay & cheats
▪ Enable both Resource & Behavior pack
- You can get them through "/Function commands"!
- Example : /Function [name of item]
- You can also do : "/Function [name of item]_all" to get all variations of a certain object.
You can check the Catalog to see the list of all items
If you want to review this Addon
Credit by linking this link, or my Moondrop Craft Youtube Video.
this Add-on was inspired by "Mizunos, Ghoulcraft, Cocricot, and Hananacraft"
【New Models】
- Macarons ( contains 8 colors )
- Breadbaskets
- Displaytrays
- Emptyplates/Emptybaskets
【Improved models】
( you can still get the old version )
- New Jam jars
- New Cookie plate
【Pack changelog】
- The pack has now a Catalog site