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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But You Have 1 Heart (Add-on & Map)

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But You Have 1 Heart (Add-on & Map)

Have you ever felt Minecraft is too easy? Have you ever wanted Minecraft to be more of a challenge? Have you ever wanted mobs to 1 shot you? Well if you have ever wanted any of those things this add-on is perfect for you This add-on is also perfect for youtube videos



I have decided to upload the map and add-on together because neither has enough content to be uploaded alone and seems the map is a challenge map to this add-on it makes sense to upload them together 


Add-on :

Minecraft but you have 1 heart 

Make sure to use this heart wisely


cause most mobs can oneshot you


even basic mobs like zombies can one shot you 


if you lose all hunger bars your hearts will go down to half a heart like normal but it will go down way faster seems you only have 1 heart


Watch out for cactuses in deserts 


Works on phones, pc and xbox 


Map : 


When you spawn you will see this   ( a credits command block and a start command block)

When you press start it will teleport you to a random spot on the map 

(this is a challenge map so when you die your inventory and spawn gets reset)





Heres a closer look at the start button  (so you know what to press)



Hub : 

The design idea 

your in a wooden experiment box to a lab that has been abandoned for years and seems its abandoned it has an overgrown look


The main building was just a random wooden hut idea i had 



You can still play the add-on normally in a survival world and ignore the challenge map if you wish


You can't upload this add-on anywhere else without my permission 

you can't upload this map anywhere else without my permission 


Feel free to leave feedback in my discord server 


or see upcoming content 


No idea what else to explain    Have fun playing 


Youtube Showcase :    (i recommend you watch this video to see map and add-on in full detail)


creator: Amber Mods